To glorify God through careful and deliberate management of the resources that have been entrusted to us; to produce high quality agricultural products in a way that betters the communities we are a part of.- this is the core piece.
Dykhuis Farms, Inc. is a diverse group of people which include: the Dykhuis family, employees, and contract growers working together to accomplish our vision and mission.
We are a leading pork producer in Michigan. We have sow farms in Hamilton, Holland, Overisel, and Zeeland and finishing barns expanding to Indiana.
Dykhuis Farms is proudly a multi-generational family owned business, with more than a 30 year legacy.


Interested in a career with us? Check out our open positions, and submit an application.

Have any inquires about or operation? Contact us today.

At Dykhuis Farms, Inc., we produce pigs that our customers (pork processers in the Midwest) use to create pork products that people across the world eat. Knowing our pigs become food for people, we maintain several certifications, and have robust process control and quality inspection throughout our production, ensuring we product safe, high quality food. We have an uncompromising commitment when it comes to treating our pigs humanely right from their birth, to when they walk into our customers care.
Dykhuis Farms, Inc. utilizes National Pork Board's Pork Quality Assurance Plus (PQA) and Transportation Quality Assurance Plus (TQA) training and certification programs. All of our employees, and contract growers are certified in PQA, and all of our employees who transport our animals are TQA certified. Every farm where our pigs are raised is certified though PQA site assessments, which are audited through random third party audits assigned by the National Pork Board.
Dykhuis Farms, Inc. and our contact growers also follow environmental guidelines and rules provided by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. Where available, we utilize State environmental certification programs such as Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans, and the Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program.